‘Cintia’ is a limitless, relentless, data acquisition service.

‘Cintia’s service includes all your streaming data acquisition needs from sensors, devices, and controllers. The service “speaks” all standard protocols such as Modbus, MQTT, Profibus, OPC, and many more. ‘Cintia’ is also available to provide integration services to transactional systems like ERP, SCADA, and inventory.



‘Cintia’ is responsible for all streaming data and transactional data. Once deployed, it continually manages a viable stream of data including all layers of communication and data quality from sensors and devices throughout the facility. ‘Cintia’ can leverage multiple external data sources such as utility data services (i.e. Green button), supplier networks, and even the weather network. It can also use the full functionality of open APIs and webhooks of traditional ERP, CRM, and Supply chain systems which are then used to enrich transactional data with streaming data as well as automate shop floor processes. The service toolbox includes full logging and documentation of the data acquisition services and data quality analytics.

‘Cintia’s skills:

#data-collection #data-validation #data-logging #ERP-Integrations

Automate how you acquire machine data with no-code data pipelines

‘Cintia’ connects to real-time sensors but can also easily pull in external data from common sources like FTP, email attachments, Google Drive, and APIs. It will make sure all incoming data is correctly formatted, mapped, and ready to use every time with automated validation functions. With ‘Cintia’, you are able to trust that the data you ingest is clean and high quality and can be used directly in your channels, analytics, dashboards, and triggers.


‘Cintia’ will connect to any energy or operations data source

Choose from a long list of off-the-shelf sensor drivers to pull time-series data from hundreds of different vendor controllers, sensors, and systems. ‘Cintia’ can connect to legacy controllers and systems or to the latest IIOT devices.

Custom integrations

With ‘Cintia’ you can leverage our public API ports to build custom integrations to your network of devices. ‘Cintia’ includes an API Key generator and customizable two-way webhook module to adapt for any application.

Group 7 Silo level is below 50 E SIlo New task completed Woot Woot! M Maintenance New customer request M CSR Task opened for #Support team New lead! Title: Benefits director Company: Baltimore Markets S Sales Produced botteles is lower then usual P Production Good catch! New safety hazard detected S Safety Today’s Efficiency is below average E Energy Down time detected Task opened for #maintenance P Production

‘Cintia’ works nicely with the tools you love

Use our growing list of integrations. no coding is required. Add data to your existing workflows and tools.



Post forms payload to Lightapp data-source. this is great if you are using Typeform in your marketing website. Turn your surveys into action items and workflows


Google Sheets

Use Google sheets to create tasks and messages on Lightapp channel and even post data on any data-source. Extend what you can do with google sheets by leveraging Lightapp channels



Migrate all your Trello tasks to the Lightapp channel, If you feel Trello is no longer fit your need, this is the easy way to go!


Google Drive

Add Google drive documents to any post, form, dashboard or task. Documents will always be handy under your Lightapp channels


Google Calendar

Sync your calendar to Lightapp. collaborate on events, add meeting summaries and tasks on events



Zapier is a great tool for integrating apps and creating simple workflows. Use Zapier to create tasks, posts, and post data to Lightapp using our awesome zap



Get job status and logs on Lightapp channel, create tasks, and set triggers


Amazon CloudWatch

Get notified on Lightapp channel on new alerts, directly create tasks and set up any trigger



Get new twits related to specific hashtag directly to your Lightapp channel, this is very useful when you want to enrich your feed with news and trends



Transform github actions into tasks, send message to your Lightapp channel on pull requests or push to specific repo Get statistics on your commits

Group 20


Send channel message, create task or post to data-source when new salesforce record created (Contact, Lead, Opportunity)



Send mailchimp newsletters to channel followers. If you are using Lightapp as CRM, this is great marketing tool if you are using email interactions with potential customers or co-workers