Connect to SCE

STEP 1 - Log in to your SCE account on

STEP 2 - Click “Your Account” then proceed to the “Data Sharing & Download” tab

STEP 3 - Allow 3rd-party access by clicking “Authorize” under “Greenbutton Connect My Data.”

STEP 4 - Under “My Data Shares” select “Authorize a Third Party.”

STEP 5 - Share your SCE data and type “Lightapp Inc.” in the search bar.

STEP 6 - A green checkmark should appear by the selection. Hit “Save” on the top right corner

STEP 7 - Authorize SCE to share all data types.

STEP 8 - Make sure you select “monthly” on all the available options

STEP 8 - Select “I agree to authorize” and submit.

STEP 9 - You will. be redirected to Lightapp to register.

STEP 10 - Enter you Zira username and password on Lightapp

STEP 11 - You will be redirected to the following page click continue